
Showing posts from October, 2020

News item: The Role of a Companion in Assisting Children Learning Online

   In this time of the pandemic, students around the world are required to learn from home online. Students and parents have different experiences with online learning. Most of the students complained about the online implementation, for various reasons. However, not a few parents are overwhelmed in assisting their children to learn from home, especially elementary school students who are still not independent enough to complete their assignments according to the instructions given by the teacher.    Mrs. Istiworo Hardani, an entrepreneur, housewife, and the mother of Maureen [third-grade student at Pelita Insani Elementary School] said, "This online school takes too much attention. So, I have to sacrifice many other aspects to be able to assist [online learning] my daughter. This is very overwhelming for me, just too much." In this case, the parent or companion cannot fulfill their duties or work as on a regular day when children go to school to study. "Even if some...